Academic Policies

Updated on: Sunday, August 18, 2024

Student Records and Grades

Changes to Address, Phone Number or Email

Students can make changes to their address, phone number(s) or email address either by completing a Records Change form or through ctcLink on the WVC website. Students will need their ctcLink ID to access ctcLink. The Records Change form must be signed and can be mailed, faxed or brought in to the admissions/registration office. Name changes must be done in person with picture ID.

Grades and Grade Policy

WVC does not mail out grades to students at the end of each quarter. To access grades, use the Transcript function in ctcLink.

Note: Financial aid eligibility and veterans’ benefits may be affected by the application of some of these policies (e.g., withdrawal from class, incomplete grade, auditing a class, etc.). Students should contact the financial aid office and their advisor if they are considering a change in their class schedule.

Grades used in computing grade point average are:

Grade Point Value
A                                          4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
F 0.0

Grades not used in computing grade point average are:

P                                                                     Pass
Y Work in Progress
W Withdrawal
N Audit
I Incomplete
NP No Pass
* Removed Grade/Missing Grade

“Pass” definition: a grade of “C” or higher earns a pass; a lower grade earns a no pass or an F.

Calculating GPA

GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours completed. Here’s an example:

Class #1 5 credits. Grade is an A (value of 4.0). Grade points=5x4=20

Class #2 4 credits. Grade is a B (value of 3.0). Grade points=4x3=12

Class #3 5 credits. Grade is a C (value of 2.0). Grade points=5x2=10

This is a total of 14 credits and 42 grade points. Therefore, the GPA would be: 42 grade points/14 credits =3.0

Grade Change

A change of grade must be executed within two quarters, excluding summer, after the grade is earned. Initiating a grade change is the student’s responsibility. The course may still be repeated for a different grade after the deadline for grade changes has passed. Contact the instructor to discuss the process for grade changes.


Students may enroll in classes on a pass/fail basis
by submitting a written request to the admissions/ registration office by the 10th day of the quarter. Students who complete these courses satisfactorily receive a “P”
on their transcripts. Students who fail to complete the courses satisfactorily receive an “F.”

Running Start students may not request enrollment on a pass/fail basis.

Students are cautioned against taking courses in their major or minor on a pass/fail basis. In most cases, a maximum of 10 pass/fail credits may be applied toward degree requirements at WVC.

Work in Progress

The “Y” designation indicates that a student is registered in an ongoing class. It is not to take place of an “I” grade (Incomplete). It may be used where the pace of work
is largely dependent on the student in courses such as independent project classes or open laboratory/classes. It may be used in emergency situations where a class is not able to continue to function as it originally was created to do so. If the student does not complete the class within one year, they must re-enroll if they want credit.


A “W” designation indicates that a student has withdrawn from a class. The last day to withdraw from classes each quarter is specified on the official student calendar. Complete information on withdrawing from a class is available in the admissions/registration office.

Instructors may choose to administratively withdraw a student who does not attend the first two days of class, but the responsibility of withdrawing still lies with the student. Students should not assume an instructor will withdraw them for not attending class. When in doubt, students should check ctcLink to determine if they are still registered for the class or contact the admissions/ registration office. Failure to formally withdraw from class will normally result in a failing grade. Students can withdraw through the Registration function in ctcLink. Students can also submit a Course Change form, available in the admissions/registration office.

Military Withdrawal

Students submitting proof of being called into military service may receive credit and/or refund of fees as follows:

  • A full refund will be made upon receipt of call-up notification letter and a “W” grade will be recorded,


  • Students may receive an “I” or “Y” with approval from the instructor(s) and no refund will be made or the vice president of student affairs may grant a degree prior to induction into the armed forces. No refund will be made.

The “N” designation indicates that a student has elected
to take a class with the understanding that no credit will be earned and no grade given. If a student chooses to audit a class, they do not have to take the tests, but the instructor may require reasonable attendance and class participation. Full tuition and fees are charged for classes taken on an audit basis. Changes from credit to audit are permitted until the end of the 35th day of instruction. The instructor’s written approval is required after the fifth day of instruction. The student will need to turn in a completed Course Change form, with the instructor’s signature, to the admissions/registration office to change a class to an audit status.


Incompletes are to be made up according to a signed agreement between the instructor and the student. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the agreement. Assigning an incomplete grade is subject to the following conditions:

  • The student has substantially fulfilled the requirements of the class.
  • The student is passing the class at the date of the request of the incomplete grade.
  • The student is able to fulfill the remaining requirements for the course without further classroom attendance.
  • The date of last attendance is accurately recorded on the Contract for Incomplete form.

Two quarters (180 days) maximum are allowed to complete this contract. If the incomplete is not made up by the end of this time, it will be converted to an “F” grade. To obtain credit for this course after the deadline, the student must re-register for the course and complete the requirements in the normal manner.

Pass/No Pass

The “P” or “NP” designation may be given in developmental and some prior learning assessment courses. A “C” grade earns a “pass”; anything lower earns a grade of “no pass.”

Repeating a Course

The student may repeat any course. The highest grade earned of the original or repeated courses will be used to calculate the student’s cumulative grade point average, unless the course description in the WVC Catalog specifically states that they can repeat the course for credit. Courses repeated for credit, however, do not normally count toward the completion of a degree or certificate. Repeated courses will be designated with an “R” next to the grade on the transcript.

This only applies to courses taken at WVC. Courses taken at other colleges cannot be used to repeat a class on the student’s WVC transcript.

Note: Repeating courses may affect students’ financial aid eligibility. For more information, visit the Financial Aid Policies page at

Student Record Retention

Records pertaining to student activities related to admissions and registration (i.e., WVC transcripts and grades, schedule changes, graduation, etc.) are to be maintained per the General Retention Schedule supplied by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. In many cases WVC’s practice for record retention exceeds the minimum requirements set forth in the state Retention Schedule.


A president’s list and a dean’s list are compiled at the end of each quarter to recognize outstanding student achievement. Honorees are announced publicly. In order to qualify, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Earn at least 12 credits in courses numbered 100 or above. (“I,” “P,” “NP” and “Y” designations do not count toward the 12-credit minimum.)
  • Earn a 4.0 GPA for the president’s list.
  • Earn a 3.5 - 3.99 GPA for the dean’s list.

Honors are listed at graduation for students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.

If the student carries at least 12 credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher, they are eligible to join the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the national community college honor society. Phi Theta Kappa encourages scholarship, leadership and service. Members of Eta Rho (Wenatchee campus) and Alpha Kappa Eta (Omak campus) are active at the local, state, regional and international levels.

Academic Standards Procedure

The Academic Standards Procedure at WVC has been established to ensure that the college resources are used in the best interest of all current and future students. The procedure helps to ensure that students with academic difficulties are made aware of the many educational resources available to them. Students are encouraged to assume responsibility for their own academic progress.

The three levels of unsatisfactory academic performance are Warning, Probation and Suspension.

Academic Warning

A student attempting six or more graded credits will be placed on Academic Warning when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Students on Warning status will receive a letter advising them of their academic standing. The transcript will be endorsed “Academic Warning.” Students will remain on this status until their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.

Academic Probation

If a student who is on Academic Warning attempts six or more graded credits for a second time, and their quarterly GPA falls below 2.0, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. Students on Academic Probation will receive a letter informing them of their academic standing, and their transcript will be endorsed “Academic Probation.” Students on probation will have a registration hold placed on their account. They will be unable to make changes to their class schedule for the current quarter and will be unable to register for future quarters until they have met with their advisor and completed the probation form. Students will remain on Probation status until their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.

Academic Suspension

If a student on Academic Probation attempts six or more graded credits, and their quarterly GPA falls below 2.0, they will be placed on Academic Suspension. Students on Academic Suspension will receive a letter informing them of their academic status, and their transcript will be endorsed “Academic Suspension.” Suspended students will be dropped from any classes they are enrolled in for the upcoming academic quarter(s). Students returning from Academic Suspension will be required to complete the following:

  1. Submit a completed petition for readmission form to the student affairs office.
  2. Complete a readmission interview with a counselor. During the interview, the student should be prepared to:
    • Identify the reasons for poor academic performance.
    • Present a plan for eliminating the factors contributing to poor academic performance.
    • Review educational goals.
    • Present an educational plan that includes proposed course schedules for the next one to three quarters and how those courses relate to an educational goal.
  3. Be reinstated by the college.

Academic Forgiveness

If a student stops attending WVC while on Academic Warning, Probation or Suspension status, they will remain at that level for a period of at least three years (or 12 academic quarters). If during that time they have not returned to WVC, their student records will be updated to remove them from their previous academic deficiency status. If upon the student’s return their cumulative GPA is still below 2.0 after completion of their returning quarter, they must adhere to the Academic Standards procedure.

Academic Regulations Committee (ARC)

Petitions for waivers of college policies are initially reviewed by the WVC Registrar. Such petitions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Late changes in class status (i.e., credit to audit, past quarterly deadline withdraw)
  • Set aside of low grades from two previous quarters
  • General inquiries not specified by a specific petition
  • Taking more than 21 credits in one quarter
  • Readmission

After reviewing the petition, the registrar will make a ruling on the petition or forward it to the appropriate WVC administrator for further review/ruling.
Petitions for readmission after an academic suspension are reviewed by a WVC counselor.

All petitions must be in writing and submitted on the appropriate form, available through the admissions/ registration office.

After the initial decision on a petition is made, the student can appeal this decision to the WVC Academic Regulations Committee. Filing for an appeal is completed through the student services office.

All appeals must be in writing. Petitioners may appear in person before the committee but are not required to do so. It is the responsibility of the student to be fully aware of the policies and procedures that govern a specific program in which the student is seeking enrollment or is currently enrolled.


Matters of academic dishonesty such as cheating or plagiarism are referred to the chief student affairs officer or designee. More information on plagiarism and the WVC Discipline Code is detailed in the student handbook that is available online at



Official Transcript

An official transcript is a copy of a student’s permanent academic record. It is signed by the registrar. A student’s transcript will be released only on their written request, accompanied by their signature.

Students can request a transcript electronically via Parchment ( This allows them to send a paper copy of their transcript or an electronic copy via email. The electronic copy of the transcript is considered official and is encrypted for security. There is an additional $12.50 fee for this service. If you have any questions, call 509-682-6836 or email Visit to learn more and access the Parchment website.

Unofficial Transcripts

Students can access their unofficial transcripts through ctcLink. They will need their ctcLink ID to get this information. This is the way a student would view their grades received at WVC.

Transcript Evaluations

Students may request an evaluation of their transcripts at any time. It is important for students to do so to verify how far along they are to earning their degree or certificate and what classes they have left to take. To request an evaluation, students should complete the evaluation request form and return it to the admissions/registration office.

When an evaluation is being done, credits from WVC will be evaluated first, then any transfer credits from other colleges (if accepted), and then any non-traditional (non-graded) credits. If a student has attended another college, it is important to have had official copies of those transcripts sent to WVC before requesting an evaluation.

WVC can do an evaluation with unofficial transcripts for advising purposes, but the student must have an official copy of these transcripts on file if they want to use credits from other colleges toward a degree at WVC.

A student can run an audit of their current academic record against any degree or certificate listed for WVC. To view progress toward graduation, visit ctcLink for an Academic Advisement Report. If a student has questions about their evaluation, they should speak with their faculty advisor.

Transfer Credits

A maximum of 60 credits from regionally accredited colleges and universities may be applied toward a WVC degree, meeting either requirements or electives, at the discretion of the credential evaluator, dean or program director. The following is a list of those organizations that grant regional accreditation in the United States:

  • Middle States Association of Colleges & Schools
    Middle States Commission on Higher Education
  • New England Association of Schools & Colleges
    Commission on Institutions of Higher Education
  • New England Association of Schools & Colleges
    Commission on Technical & Career Institutions
  • North Central Association of Colleges & Schools
  • The Higher Learning Commission
  • Northwest Commission on Colleges & Universities
  • Southern Association of Colleges & Schools
    Commission on Colleges
  • Western Association of Schools & Colleges Accrediting
    Commission for Community Colleges
  • Western Association of Schools & Colleges Accrediting
    Commission for Senior Universities

Transfer credit is not awarded for the following types of coursework: (1) courses taken at colleges that are not regionally accredited, (2) non-credit courses and workshops, (3) remedial or college preparatory courses (i.e., student orientation classes), (4) sectarian religious studies.

Transfer courses with less than a “D” grade (or 1.0) cannot be used to satisfy a graduation requirement.

Upper division courses (usually numbered 300-400) will only be applied toward an associate degree distribution area if a similar course exists at WVC, or on a case-by- case basis. The registrar may allow some other upper division courses to be used as restricted electives, depending on the nature of the course work. If you are transferring to one of our four-year programs upper division courses may be used at the discretion of the program director.

Credits from semester schools are multiplied by 1.5 to convert them to quarter credits. For example, 2 semester credits = 3 quarter credits, and 3 semester credits = 4.5 quarter credits.

If a student has attended colleges and/or universities outside of the U.S., they must provide their transcripts and an evaluation of those transcripts by a qualified evaluation agency. The student should request a course-by-course evaluation to maximize the credit that may be transferred to WVC. A list of foreign education credentials services is available through the admissions/registration office. The student should also submit course descriptions, as they are often not available online.

More on these policies are available under Policies on the WVC website at or from the student affairs department.

Emergency Messages

Individual messages: A message will be delivered to a student during a class in case of a medical emergency. The delivery of more routine messages of a non-emergency nature cannot be accommodated. Requests to deliver an emergency message should be made to the admissions/registration office.

Other emergency messages: The general public will be notified of any changes from normal college operations through local radio stations and newspaper websites, the WVC home page ( and WVC Facebook page, and through emergency text alerts for those who have signed up for this service. If a message regarding college operations is not sent or posted, assume that the college is operating on its normal schedule. To sign up for emergency text alerts, visit

Public Disclosure

Wenatchee Valley College makes the following information available to the general public at, as required by state and federal laws and/or college policy:

  • Affirmative Action
  • Annual Security Report (Clery Act)
  • Annual Public Notice of Career and Technical Education Opportunities
  • Federal Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Gainful Employment
  • Non-discrimination statements for publication
  • Privacy Statement
  • Public Records Request
  • State Support of Higher Education Students (2013-14)
  • Student Programs Service and Activities (S&A) Fee Funding
  • Student Right to Know - Graduation and Transfer Rates
  • WVC Facilities Master Plan
  • WVC Policies and Procedures
  • Clery Act crime statistics
  • Annual fire safety reports
  • Violence Against Women Act
  • Financial reports

Other Policies

  • Drug-Free Workplace
  • Equal Opportunity
  • Freedom of Inquiry and Expression