Certificate of Completion

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

Learn the roles and responsibilities of the emergency medical technician according to National EMS Education standards and requirements. Develop skills in patient evaluation and other emergency medical procedures. Upon successful completion, students are eligible for National Registry Exam to qualify for state certification after meeting the Washington state requirement of employment.

Note: Conviction of certain crimes may prevent completion of the clinical class requirements of the program and may prevent future licensure and employment in health care. A criminal record check is required prior to any clinical training experience or clinical field trips. Students who have a criminal record must meet with the WVC Dean of Allied Health to determine if the criminal history would prevent access to a health care facility. Call 509-682-6660 for more information.

Suggested Course Sequence: Certificate of Completion

Total Credits
Course Sequencing

Winter Quarter

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits


  • American Heart Association HCP CPR

Entrance Requirements

  • Proof of being at least 17 years of age at the beginning of the course enrollment (proof required). The Washington state requirement for entrance into the EMT course is 17 years of age.
  • EMT certification usually requires that EMTs are 18 years of age.
  • Provide a copy of high school, GED®, or college transcript showing high school completion.
  • Have the physical strength to carry, lift, extricate and perform similar maneuvers in a manner not detrimental to the patient, fellow emergency technicians, or self. Students will be required to have a physical and signed doctor’s note.
  • Current American Heart Association Health Care Provider (HCP) card or American Safety & Health Institute Provider ASHI (HCP) card (card must be current through entire quarter).
  • Successfully pass a national background check through Complio and a DSHS background check. Certain crimes can disqualify students from attending clinical sites. Contact the Allied Health department at 509-682-6660 if you have concerns.
  • Verification of required immunizations and accident insurance. See list of required immunizations and plan accordingly.

Program Outcomes

After successful completion of the EMT Certificate Program, the student should be able to:

  • Apply to take the National Registry EMT Exam, eligibility in Washington State.
  • Establish differential diagnoses based upon patient presentation within a theoretical framework of emergency medical care.
  • Develop and execute treatment plans according to working differential diagnoses.
  • Evaluate responses of patients to emergency medical care, making changes when necessary in treatment plans of care, independently or in consultation with emergency medical service colleagues and/or physician medical direction.
  • Assess learning needs, readiness and motivation of individual clients, families and aggregates in relation to health promotion, maintenance and restoration.
  • Formulate and implement teaching plans for individual patients, families and aggregates.
  • Develop treatment plans in accordance with the best interest and wishes of the patient.
  • Communicate and support patient best interest to the patient, patient family, emergency medical service colleagues, and other healthcare providers.
  • Establish a rapport with patient, family, and caregivers to facilitate effective patient assessment and treatment.
  • Establish and implement effective verbal and written communication practices to ensure continuity of patient care.
  • Function as unit leader to direct emergency medical service colleagues and first responders to ensure excellent and efficient patient care.
  • Assume various roles within the incident command system.
  • Base practice upon the legal boundaries and ethical frameworks within the scope of own practice.
  • Assume responsibility for continued learning as a means of growth, development and maintenance of competence within the scope of own practice and according to certification requirements.
  • Work within established policy and procedures of employing agency, recognizing polices and protocols that may impede patient care and works within the organization framework to initiate change.