AIIS 202: Contemporary Topics In AIIS

Clinical Hours None
Weekly Contact Hours
Course ID
Meets Degree Requirements For
Social Science

Contemporary topics explored include treaty and water rights, natural resource management and extraction, gaming, food sovereignty, education, and community health and wellness. Issues are examined individually as well as how they interrelate with each other within the sovereignty of Indigenous nations across North America.

Grading Basis

Course Learning Outcomes

Core Topics


  1. Treaty rights
    1. Water, hunting, and fishing rights
  2. Natural resource management and extraction within Indigenous communities
    1. Fisheries, logging, mining, pipelines
  3. Implementation of sovereign governance
    1. Governmental relations, gaming, tribal colleges, business enterprises
  4. Community health and wellness
    1. Impacts of poverty, drugs and alcohol, and efforts to repair them
    2. Food deserts and food sovereignty
    3. Legislative efforts to protect Indigenous women and children, specifically the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
    4. The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) epidemic