This course will focus on defining the relapse process, recognizing individual cues that can lead to relapse as well as devising plans for preventing relapse. Topics include understanding Post-Acute Withdrawal and its role in relapse and relapse prevention.
Instructor Permission
Course Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate professional communication in classroom and practicum sites.
Articulate the importance of understanding individual differences in SUD counseling (age, race, ethnicity, gender/sexual identity or disability).
Demonstrate professional communication in classroom and practicum sites.
Articulate the importance of understanding individual differences in SUD counseling (age, race, ethnicity, gender/sexual identity or disability).
Demonstrate professional communication in classroom and practicum sites.
Demonstrate professional communication in classroom and practicum sites.
Core Topics
- Understand the process of relapse
- Identify triggers/cues that can lead to relapse
- Demonstrate understanding of treatment planning to intervene in relapse.
- Recognize and explain Post-Acute Withdrawal to SUD patient