CDS 278: Law & Ethics for Addictions

Weekly Contact Hours
Course ID
Meets Degree Requirements For
Restricted Elective
Focus on contemporary legal and ethical issues in the field of substance use disorder counseling including professional and peer relationships, boundaries, NADAAC code of ethics, multiple relationships and values in the counseling relationship and laws surrounding counseling including confidentiality and HIPPA regulations.
Grading Basis

Course Learning Outcomes

Core Topics


  1. Understanding of the role, limitations and pivotal importance of personal integrity with ethical practice.
  2. Introduction to national and state ethical standards and legal responsibilities of addiction counselors.
  3. Be able to appropriately resolve legal/ethical dilemmas as they relate to substance use disorders.
  4. Identify key issues that can create legal/ethical dilemmas such as confidentiality, mandatory reporting, informed consent, malpractice, scope of practice and personal relationships.