CTS 130: Client Operating Systems

Clinical Hours None
Weekly Contact Hours
Course ID
Meets Degree Requirements For
Restricted Elective

Familiarizes students with client operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS platforms) with emphasis on connectivity, troubleshooting and architectural models. Gain hands-on experience in the process of installing and configuring network clients.

Grading Basis

Course Learning Outcomes

Core Topics


  1. Operating System basics and review of available options.
  2. Planning a Network Client OS Installation
    1. Developing an appropriate implementation model for specific requirements.
    2. Choosing a workgroup configuration or logging on to an existing domain.
    3. Developing a security strategy.
    4. Planning System policies
    5. Planning User profiles
    6. Planning File and printer sharing
  3. Installation and Configuration of the OS
    1. Raw, Upgrade, and various Media based installs
    2. Automated installations
    3. Multiple OS Boot Configurations
    4. Diagnose and resolve installation problems
  4. Installation and Configuration of the Network Subsystem
    1. Installation and Configuration of Network Protocols.
    2. Installation and Configuration of Network Hardware Components
    3. Installation and Configuration of Network Software Components
    4. Installation and Configuration of Hardware and Software
      1. Installation and Configuration of Modems
      2. Installation and Configuration of Printers
    5. Configuration of System Level Network Services
    6. Backup strategies and configuration
    7. Configuring Resource Access in Peer-to-Peer Networking
      1. Configuring Local Resources
      2. Configuring Local Resource Access Rights
      3. Domain Access Right Integration
      4. Monitoring Shared Local Resources
  5. Network Integration and Interoperability
    1. Integration of the Client OS within different Network Operating Systems
    2. Remote access configuration
  6. Network Integration and Interoperability (Continued)
    1. Integration of the Client OS within different Network Operating Systems
    2. Remote access configuration
  7. Resource Monitoring, Maintenance, and Performance Optimization
    1. Use of System tools and utilities for Maintenance
    2. Use of System tools and utilities for Monitoring
    3. Use of System tools and utilities for Performance Optimization
  8. Troubleshooting: Local Devices and Resources
    1. Diagnose and resolve boot process failures
    2. Diagnose and resolve file system problems
    3. Diagnose and resolve hardware problems
  9. Troubleshooting: Network Devices and Resources
    1. Diagnose and resolve connectivity issues.
    2. Diagnose and resolve remote printing problems