ESRT 102: OSHA 10 Safety Principles

Clinical Hours None
Weekly Contact Hours
Course ID
Meets Degree Requirements For
Restricted Elective

An online course which focuses on the OSHA standards and guidelines for enhancing safety and health in the workplace. Topics include introduction to the OSHA Act, enforcement and recordkeeping, walking-working surfaces, means of egress, emergency action plans, fire protection plans, electrical safety, hazardous materials, personal protective equipment and hazard communication.

Grading Basis

Course Learning Outcomes

Core Topics


  1. Introduction to the OSH Act, OSHA, Enforcement, and Recordkeeping
  2. Walking -Working Surfaces
  3. Means of Egress, Emergency Action Plans and Fire Protection Plans,
  4. Electrical Safety.
  5. Hazardous Materials,
  6. Personal Protective Equipment,
  7. Machinery and Machine Guarding,
  8. Safety & Health Programs,
  9. Hazard Communication
  10. Hazardous Substances and Industrial Hygiene