RADT 131: Radiographic Positioning I

Class Program
Clinical Hours None
Weekly Contact Hours
Course ID
Meets Degree Requirements For
Restricted Elective

An introduction to positioning terminology and the fundamental theory, principles and practices regarding radiographic examinations of the upper and lower extremities and shoulder girdle.  Experience is gained via positioning lecture and in the energized lab.  Practical competency assessments reinforce principles learned in lecture. 

Grading Basis

Acceptance in RadTech Program

Course Learning Outcomes

Core Topics

Nursing care related to the following patient care concepts;

Orientation to the x-ray lab and equipment; basic positioning terminology; positioning of upper and lower extremity to include but not limited to clinical competency requirements of ARRT: Upper extremity: finger, thumb, hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, humerus, shoulder, clavicle, scapula, and AC joints; and Lower extremity: toes, os calcis, foot, ankle, knee, tibia-fibula, femur, and patella.