SDS 114: Writing Support

Lecture Hours 3 Clinical Hours None
Weekly Contact Hours
Meets Degree Requirements For
Restricted Elective

A support course in writing and reading, relevant study skills, and college-navigation skills to improve student performance in English 97 or ENGL& 101. Uses a workshop approach to give assistance with writing and reading assignments from English courses. This course is designed to be taken with ENGL 97 or ENGL& 101. Keyboarding skills recommended.

Grading Basis

Placement into ENGL 97 or ENGL& 101

Course Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply and implement study skills and success strategies and techniques that promote and improve their learning in college level courses and beyond.

  2. Identify and demonstrate practical life skills such as goal setting, decision-making, problem solving, time management and stress management techniques in college related situations and recognize how to apply them in broader life scenarios.

  3. Exhibit an increased awareness, utilization and value of resources and support services so that they can successfully navigate the college environment.  

  4. Develop personal life skills that lead to an integrated sense of self, well-being, and resilience.

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply and implement study skills and success strategies and techniques that promote and improve their learning in college level courses and beyond.

  2. Identify and demonstrate practical life skills such as goal setting, decision-making, problem solving, time management and stress management techniques in college related situations and recognize how to apply them in broader life scenarios.

  3. Develop personal life skills that lead to an integrated sense of self, well-being, and resilience.

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply and implement study skills and success strategies and techniques that promote and improve their learning in college level courses and beyond.

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply and implement study skills and success strategies and techniques that promote and improve their learning in college level courses and beyond.

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply and implement study skills and success strategies and techniques that promote and improve their learning in college level courses and beyond.

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Apply and implement study skills and success strategies and techniques that promote and improve their learning in college level courses and beyond.

  2. Develop personal life skills that lead to an integrated sense of self, well-being, and resilience.

  3. Articulate their personal strengths and describe how they can use these strengths to achieve their personal, academic and career/professional goals

Core Topics

  1. Sentence structure and variety
  2. Sentence errors that distract readers and/or disrupt meaning
  3. Punctuation errors that distract readers and/or disrupt meaning
  4. Reading skills and strategies, including how to read instructions
  5. College technology
  6. College navigation
  7. Time management
  8. Revising, editing, and self-reflection of writing