Introduction to microcontrollers, microprocessors, and embedded systems. Microcontroller and microprocessor architecture. Assembly language and high-level programming. Hands-on projects to design, program, and troubleshoot microcontroller and microprocessor-based systems.
ELTRO 121 or ELEC 226 in addition to ENGR 329 or Instructor permission
Course Learning Outcomes
A commitment to lifelong learning, quality and continuous improvement through the clear ability to assume increasing levels of technical and/or management responsibility or through participation in professional societies, earning advanced degrees, receiving additional training or certifications.
The ability to contribute to engineering teams that design and/or support effective and efficient new products, system and processes.
Leadership skills while working on teams involved in the analysis, development, implementation, or oversight of electrical and/or mechanical systems and processes.
A commitment to lifelong learning, quality and continuous improvement through the clear ability to assume increasing levels of technical and/or management responsibility or through participation in professional societies, earning advanced degrees, receiving additional training or certifications.
Leadership skills while working on teams involved in the analysis, development, implementation, or oversight of electrical and/or mechanical systems and processes.