ECED& 132: Infant/Toddler Care

Weekly Contact Hours
Course ID
Meets Degree Requirements For
Restricted Elective

Examine the unique developmental needs of infants and toddlers. Study the role of the caregiver, relationships with families, developmentally appropriate practices, nurturing environments for infants and toddlers, and culturally relevant care.

Grading Basis

Course Learning Outcomes

Core Topics


  1. Development of the infant through toddler in all areas and the impact of family and community culture and community resources. Importance of Individual development, temperament and cultural norms in the context of important ongoing relationships
  2. Program development, implementation and assessment of programs for the environment, health and safety, child guidance and program evaluation.
  3. Planning routines and activities for the infant-toddler age group including transitions, active and quiet activities, mealtimes, independence and self-help, group and peer relations, and adult guidance and support.
  4. Planning developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate experiences that support development of the infant-toddler that includes play, exploration, and social interaction.