MUSC& 243: Music Theory 6

Class Program
Clinical Hours None
Weekly Contact Hours
Course ID
Meets Degree Requirements For

The sixth of a six-term course sequence in written and aural music theory: learn to analyze, employ, sing and transcribe advanced chromatic music and advanced forms as well as 20th century techniques.

Grading Basis

MUSC& 242 or equivalent

Course Learning Outcomes

Core Topics

Written Theory-Sixth Quarter

At the end of the sixth quarter the successful student will gain and be able to demonstrate fluency, knowledge and/or competency in the curriculum from all previous quarters, as well as in the following areas:


  • Late 19th century practices that led to the breakdown of tonic-dominant centered harmony of the common practice period. These practices include ultra-chromaticism, prolonged avoidance of dominant harmony resolution, use of chromatic mediant chord progressions and modulations, and inclusion of introductions in different keys than the main work.
  • Early twentieth century compositional practices and analytical techniques including set theory, twelve-tone systems, exotic scale use, inverted triad-planing, and pan-diatonicism.

Aural Theory-Sixth Quarter

At the end of the sixth quarter the successful student will have gain and be able to demonstrate fluency, knowledge and/or competency in the curriculum from all previous quarters, as well as in the following areas:


  • Late 19th century practices that led to the breakdown of tonic-dominant centered harmony of the common practice period. These practices include ultra-chromaticism, prolonged avoidance of dominant harmony resolution, use of chromatic mediant chord progressions and modulations, and inclusion of introductions in different keys than the main work.
  • Early twentieth century compositional practices and analytical techniques including set theory, twelve-tone systems, exotic scale use, inverted triad-planing, and pan-diatonicism.