Environmental Science


ENVS 170: Introduction to Stream Ecology


Introductory course covering integrative principles of rivers and streams including biological, chemical, ecological, and physical processes. Students will gain an appreciation of streams as constantly evolving ecosystems as well as skills to scientifically analyze data related to river and stream management. Conservation, restoration, policy, and environmental-justice issues are also covered.

ENVS 230: Intro to Fisheries Science and Management


An overview of fisheries science and management. Topics explored include careers available in fish management and propagation, identification of important northwest fishes, and an introduction to the lesser known and more interesting aspects of fish biology and behavior. Field trips will incorporate standard sampling and survey techniques.

ENVS 231: Introduction to Forest Resources


Focuses on the identification and inventory of forest natural resources including water, timber, flora, fauna and soils. Also includes study on how the interrelationships of these resources play in landscape ecosystems.