Natural Resources
Degrees and Certificates
Natural Resources, Associate in Applied Science-Transfer Degree -
Pathway Natural Resources - DTA, Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA/MRP)
Program Learning Outcomes
ENVS 170: Introduction to Stream Ecology
Introductory course covering integrative principles of rivers and streams including biological, chemical, ecological, and physical processes. Students will gain an appreciation of streams as constantly evolving ecosystems as well as skills to scientifically analyze data related to river and stream management. Conservation, restoration, policy, and environmental-justice issues are also covered.
ENVS 230: Intro to Fisheries Science and Management
An overview of fisheries science and management. Topics explored include careers available in fish management and propagation, identification of important northwest fishes, and an introduction to the lesser known and more interesting aspects of fish biology and behavior. Field trips will incorporate standard sampling and survey techniques.
ENVS 231: Introduction to Forest Resources
Focuses on the identification and inventory of forest natural resources including water, timber, flora, fauna and soils. Also includes study on how the interrelationships of these resources play in landscape ecosystems.
NATR 102: Maps and Navigation
NATR 108: Exploring Natural Resources
A panoramic view of ecosystems, current topics, primary organizations and professions in modern natural resources management. Lectures, discussions and extensive field activities survey this diverse industry. Use career assessment and planning tools, such as educational portfolio development, to create a strategy for your professional future.
NATR 112: Mathematical Applications for Natural Resources
Students will learn how to apply knowledge of basic algebra, trigonometry, and geometry to field applications in natural resources including land measurement, area determination, estimation, rounding, and calibration/unit conversion.
NATR 125: Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
NATR 158: Employment Seminar
Seminar to prepare students for cooperative work experience in natural resources. Explore personal goals for career and related options available such as technician, seasonal, internship, or volunteer opportunities. Students will also develop a basic resume and explore interviewing techniques.
NATR 160: Introduction to Forest Health and Ecology
Exploration of the symbiotic relationship of forest health and forest ecology. The macro and micro ecosystem of the forest habitat will be explored to show the total inter-dependency of both systems.
NATR 196: Cooperative Work Experience
Intended to provide authentic experiences in the world of work by applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to a working environment.
NATR 210: Natural Resource Portfolio
Completion of a professional portfolio that demonstrates development as a natural resource professional. The portfolio contains applicable coursework examples, educational experiences, and professional products including a resume, personal statement.
NATR 220: Introduction to Wildland Fire Ecology and Restoration
An overview of wildfire with an emphasis on local natural environments. Wildfire is presented in a historical and ecological context, and as a physical force and agent for ecological change. Covers land management, social policy issues, restoration, and habitat resiliency.
NATR 235: Society & Natural Resources
From personal to global levels, this course uses a systems approach to examine interaction of social, economic and ecological factors in natural resources management. Identify and explore the consequences of diverse natural resource philosophies and paradigms, and develop skills to direct, mitigate or change human impacts on natural systems.
NATR 240: Maps, Navigation, and Aerial Photos
Learn to read and use topographic maps, compasses, and aerial photography. Learn differential leveling, pacing, traversing, survey mapping, General Land Office survey methods, legal descriptions, bearing/azimuth survey and topographic interpretation-profiling. Introduction to transect survey plotting and sampling. Students will be trained in and perform transect surveys to determine resource health.
NATR 241: Intro to Watershed Science and Management
NATR 242: Survey of Wildlife Populations
NATR 260: Forest Mensuration
Covers a variety of forest measurement practices, measuring equipment, product measurement, timber cruising, inventory sampling, growth, site-index, and introduction to GPS 3-P and drone sampling.
NATR 260: Introduction to Forest Mensuration
Covers a variety of forest measurement practices, measuring equipment, product measurement, timber cruising, inventory sampling, growth, site-index, and introduction to GPS 3-P and drone sampling.
NATR 270: Silviculture
This course provides a detailed introduction to different silvicultural systems and practices, with an emphasis on the underlying ecological basis of silviculture and systems in the United States, particularly the forest health of the pacific northwest.
NATR 270: Silviculture
This course provides a detailed introduction to different silvicultural systems and practices, with an emphasis on the underlying ecological basis of silviculture and systems in the United States, particularly the forest health of the Pacific Northwest.
NATR 280: Forest Harvest Systems
Exploration of a variety of harvest techniques for forest product removal. Cost/benefit analysis, logging plans, wood and other forest products, road layout and construction, best management practices, timber appraisal and contracts.
NATR 296: Cooperative Work Experience
Intended to provide authentic experiences in the world of work by applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to a working environment.