Certificate of Completion
Associate of Technical Science Degree

Criminal Justice

  • Associate of Technical Science Degree
  • Corrections Certificate of Completion

Suggested Course Sequence: Associate of Technical Science Degree

Offered on the Wenatchee and Omak campuses

Total Credits
Course Sequencing

First Year - Fall Quarter

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

First Year - Winter Quarter

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

First Year - Spring Quarter

Total Credits for Corrections Certificate: 45

Support courses need to be completed to qualify for the certificate. Support courses can be taken interchangeably between quarters

ENGL& 101 Composition
MATH 93 Pre-Algebra or higher
CMST& 210 Interpersonal Communication



Second Year - Fall Quarter

Second Year - Winter Quarter

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

Second Year - Spring Quarter

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

Choose 10 credits from general electives or restricted electives listed below.

General Electives listed in the Arts and Science DTA requirement list:
Accounting: 201, 202, 203
Agriculture: 101, 108
Business Administration: 101, 201, 240, 241
Chemical Dependency Studies: 101
Computer Science: 141
Criminal Justice: 101, 105, 106, 110
Education: 115, 200, 204, 210
Engineering: 214
Environmental Science: 230, 231
Latin: 110, 220
Math: 171, 172
Music: 145, 146
Physical Education Lecture: 180, 181, 182, 189, 250, 283, 284, 285, 287, 289
Physical Education Activities**: 101-162, 218-262
Physical Education Recreation Lecture: 196, 201, 202, 204
Physical Education Recreation Activities**: 105, 106, 107, 144


Restricted electives approved by the program coordinator or dean, or a combination of general and approved restricted electives. Restricted electives approved for the Arts and Science DTA are: Any course numbered 100 or above that is not already listed on this page, and is not from continuing education, can be considered a Restricted Elective course: ACCT, AGRI, AUTO, BCT, BUS, CDS, CJ, CSC, CTS, CWE, ECED, EDUC, ELEC, ELTRO, ENGR, ESRT, FS, HLTH, INDT, LIBR, MATH, MLT, NATR, NURS, NUTR, OCED, PEHR, RADT, READ, SDS, TGM, WELD


Support Courses need to be completed to qualify for the two-year degree:

ENGL 97 Composition: Paragraph or higher
MATH 93 Pre algebra or higher
CMST& 210 Interpersonal Communication
PSYC& 100 General Psychology