Course Catalog 2024-2025
Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees |
Wenatchee Campus Omak Campus |
This catalog provides a general guideline of courses offered by Wenatchee Valley College. The classes and programs described herein are implemented at the sole discretion of the college and are subject to change at any time without notice. Information on classes and programs are illustrative only and are not intended to create any contractual obligation or covenant with the college.
The college’s total liability for claims arising from a contractual relationship with the student in any way related to classes or programs shall be limited to the tuition and expenses paid by the student to the college for those classes or programs. In no event shall the college be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to, loss of earnings or profits.
All information is current at time of publication, July 2024. The college reserves the option to amend, modify or revise any content or provisions of this catalog without notice, because of changes in policies, personnel, curricula or funding. For the most current information, go to
Wenatchee Valley College is one of the oldest of 34 community and technical colleges in Washington state. It opened as a private institution in 1939 and was made part of the state’s public education system two years later. In 1967, Community College District 15 was formed, expanding WVC’s service area to include Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan counties. WVC at Omak was established in the early 1970s to better serve the educational needs of the people of Okanogan County.
WVC offers courses and programs to meet a variety of student needs. Whether a student plans to transfer to a bachelor’s degree-granting institution, wants to seek education that leads directly to employment, needs to develop basic academic skills, or wants opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills through professional or personal development, the college has programs to assist them in reaching their goals.
WVC offerings follow a quarterly schedule with day, evening, weekend and distance learning classes.
The Washington State Community and Technical College system developed a standard code of conduct. Refer to the WVC website for the most current version of the Code of Conduct. For more information visit
Course descriptions are listed on later pages of the catalog. The specific courses offered each academic year, including online classes, are listed in official class schedules posted online. Course offerings may be changed without prior notice.
WVC follows the Washington State Community and Technical College Personnel Standards for hiring faculty. This includes master's degrees in their major teaching are for full-time academic faculty and valid vocational-technical education certificates for full-time occupational/technical faculty.