Associate in Arts and Sciences Degree-Direct Transfer Agreement
Associate in Business - DTA/MRP

Business Transfer Options

Business schools in Washington state vary in their entry requirements. Work with an Advisor as there are many ways that students can transfer from WVC to a four-year school and major in business:

  1. Receive an associate in arts and sciences (AAS-DTA) and include the required prerequisite business courses at their intended school of transfer. Students need to work closely with their faculty advisor to ensure proper course sequencing.

  2. Receive a direct transfer degree in business (Business DTA). Students need to work closely with their faculty advisor to ensure proper course sequencing.

Students interested in either business degree option should contact their potential transfer institutions early regarding specific course choices in humanities, social sciences, business law or introduction to law, and in certain electives. Students should be aware of the potential transfer institution’s requirements for overall minimum GPA, a higher GPA in selected subsets of courses or a specific minimum grade in one or more courses, such as math or English.

Students must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher to receive this degree.

AAS-DTA (emphasizing business)

Generally accepted and/or required at all Washington state business schools:

  • ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I (AAS-DTA elective)
  • ACCT& 202 Principles of Accounting II (AAS-DTA elective)
  • ACCT& 203 Principles of Accounting III (AAS-DTA elective)
  • BUS& 201 Business Law (AAS-DTA elective)
  • ECON& 201 Micro Economics
  • ECON& 202 Macro Economics (may use one economics class as AAS-DTA social science and one as AAS-DTA elective)
  • MATH 140 Precalculus for Business and Social Sciences* or MATH& 141 Precalculus I (AAS-DTA quantitative skills)
  • MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics (AAS-DTA natural science)

Recommended and/or required at selected Washington state schools of business (see advisor):

*Students who do not meet course requirements should take a prerequisite class or classes based on placement.

Associate in Business – DTA/MRP

Writing: 10 credits

A grade of 2.0 or higher (“C” grade) in ENGL courses is required for graduation.

To meet Eastern Washington University requirements, the second English composition course must be equivalent to EWU’s English 201 College Compositions: Analysis, Research and Documentation.

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

Quantitative/Symbolic: 10 credits

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

Humanities (15 credits)

Courses must be from two different subject areas. Subject areas appear below in bold.

Maximum five credits from World Languages in Humanities distribution.

Only five credits of Performance courses allowed in Humanities. 

Performances courses are: 

  • ART 106, 107, 110, 111, 113, 116, 117, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 201, 202, 203, 206, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 224, 225, 233, 234, 235, 236, 250, 256
  • MUSIC 110, 111, 112, 120, 125, 161, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 210, 211, 212, 221, 261, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277
  • THTR 165, 265

Students intending the international business major after this degree should consult the potential transfer institution to determine the level and number of world language credits are required for admission. This information will help guide your course choices.  

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

Natural Sciences: 15 credits

MATH& 146 is required, plus 10 credits in physical, biological and/or earth science. One course must include a lab.

Students intending to major in manufacturing management at Western Washington University should consult WWU regarding the selection of natural science courses required for admission to the major.

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

Social Sciences: 15 credits

ECON& 201 and ECON& 202 required

An additional five credits to be selected from the list below. 

Students should consult the potential transfer institution to determine which additional social science course best pertains to their major of study. This information will help guide your course choices.  

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

Business Courses: 20 Credits

The courses listed are all required to satisfy this distribution:

Course ID
Sub-Total Credits

Electives: 5 credits

An additional five credits can be selected from those courses considered to be transferable to another college. These do not normally include courses that are part of a technical program, independent study/special topics courses or courses with a course number under 100.
A maximum of three Physical Education (PEH) activity credits will be allowed toward this degree.

Sub-Total Credits

Note: Courses not listed here that were previously offered at WVC may still count toward a degree. Check with the registrar for a complete list of courses which count toward this degree.

Total Credits

Advising Notes:

  • To meet Eastern Washington University requirements, the second English composition course must be equivalent to EWU’s English 201 College Compositions: Analysis, Research and Documentation.
  • Students intending to major in manufacturing management at Western Washington University should consult WWU regarding the selection of natural science courses required for admission to the major.
  • Business Law and Introduction to Law are two distinct subject areas with minimal content overlap.
  • Meeting the minimum requirements of this degree does not guarantee admission to a four-year university in Washington. 

Program outcomes

Students who complete the Business Transfer degree will be prepared to:

  • Transfer to a four-year university in Washington and enter the business program or related field with all preadmission requirements completed.
  • Continue studying business successfully at a four-year school with required knowledge, competence, and skills necessary to be successful.
  • Solve problems of basic business concepts in accounting, economics, math, and law.
  • Successfully read, write, and communicate using business language and terminology.